Welcome to Dr. Jiseung Kim, our new Post-doctoral Fellow, and Vera Fiawornu to the Linguistics department and the lab. Check out their bios on the People page!
CCPTalks #1: Jiseung Kim
Our first CCPTalks presentation will feature Dr. Jiseung Kim.
Date: Friday, January 22, 2021
Time: 9:00am MST (GMT-7)
Location: Zoom (contact ccpling @ualberta.ca for link)
Title: Individual differences in the production and perception of prosodic boundaries in American English Abstract:
I present the findings of my dissertation which investigated the hypothesis that individuals vary in their production and perception of prosodic boundaries, and that the properties they use to signal prosodic contrasts are closely related to the properties used to perceive those contrasts. A group of native speakers of American English participated in an acoustic study and subsequently an eye-tracking study that examined production and perception of three acoustic properties related to Intonational Phrase (IP) boundary: pause, pitch reset, and phrase-final lengthening. The results showed individual differences to a substantial degree, and offered limited evidence of a production-perception relation: a trend was observed in which individuals with longer pause durations were faster to fixate on the IP boundary target than those with shorter pause durations.