Harald Baayen, Yu-Ying Chuang, and Maria Heitmeier University of Tuebingen
NDL and LDL are simple computational algorithms for lexical learning and lexical processing. Both NDL and LDL assume that learning is discriminative, driven by prediction error, and that it is this error which calibrates the association strength between input and output representations. Both words’ forms and their meanings are represented by numeric vectors, and mappings between forms and meanings are set up. For comprehension, form vectors predict meaning vectors. For production, meaning vectors map onto form vectors. These mappings can be learned incrementally, approximating how children learn the words of their language. Alternatively, optimal mappings representing the endstate of learning can be estimated. Recently, we have also developed a way in which frequency of use can be taken into account when no information on order is available. The NDL and LDL algorithms are incorporated in a computational theory of the mental lexicon, the ‘discriminative lexicon’. The model shows good performance both with respect to production and comprehension accuracy, and for predicting aspects of lexical processing, including morphological processing, across a wide range of experiments. Since mathematically, NDL and LDL implement multivariate multiple regression, the ‘discriminative lexicon’ provides a cognitively motivated statistical modeling approach to lexical processing. In this course, we will show how comprehension and production of morphologically complex words can be modeled successfully with the “Discriminative Lexicon” model for a range of languages (Hebrew, Maltese, English, German, Dutch, Mandarin Chinese, Korean, Kinyarwanda, Estonian, and Finnish). We will discuss the kinds of form and meaning representations that can be set up, including form features derived from the speech signal for auditory comprehension and semantic features grounded in distributional semantics. Furthermore, we will provide a survey of the measures that can be derived from the model mappings to predict empirical response variables such as reaction times in primed and unprimed lexical decision, spoken word duration, and tongue movements during speaking. Finally, participants will receive some training in using the JudiLing package for Julia. This package provides optimized code for implementing and evaluating components of a “discriminative lexicon” for a given language.