Antoine Tremblaya,∗ 

aNeuroCognitive Imaging Laboratory (NCIL), Department of Psychology & Neuroscience, Dalhousie University, Halifax, 3H 4R2, Nova Scotia, Canada. 


The main goal of this course is to show how EEG data can be imported, formatted, pre-processed, and analyzed in R, a free software environment for statistical computing, graphics, and data manipulation ( More specifically, we will (1) import Biosemi (32 electrode) data into R, (2) format it (i.e., add experimental-, subject-, and/or item-level variables), (3) visualize it, (4) pre-process it (i.e., re-reference data, look for bad trials/channels, perform noise correction using independent components analysis (ICA), in addition to filtering, segmenting, baseline correctiung, and down-sampling the data), and (5) perform statistical analyses using linear mixed effects regression, generalized additive modelling, and conditional inference regression tress and forests. We will also discuss ways of reporting analysis results for publication. The data and code will be made available to attendees. Keywords: EEG; ERP; electro-encephalogram; event-related potentials; formatting; pre-processing; statistical analysis; R. 

Corresponding author 

Email address: (Antoine Tremblay) 

Preprint submitted to Spring School in Psycholinguistics, May 4–8, 2014 February 27, 2014